What's more, you could damage the relationship you have with a recruiter if he or she believes you and you later renege on your promises.
而且,如果猎头相信了你、而事后你却食言的话,你跟对方的关系也就毁于一旦了。But in 2009 he said he would not only maintain the Journal's pay wall but build one around all his other properties.
但是,到了2009年,他却食言了,他说他不仅会保持华尔街日报的收费制,还将把这一制度应用于他的其它报社。If any man make a vow to the Lord, or bind himself by an oath: he shall not make his word void but shall fulfill all that he promised.
若人向上主许愿,或发誓戒绝什麽,他不可食言,应全照口中所许的去做。But Abraham was becoming a man of deep, mature faith. He knew God would not go back on his word.
可是,亚伯拉罕对神的信心已深厚成熟,他晓得神不会食言。He didn't eat his words because he promised his best good friend Babaha, to be a shrimp captain and he made it!
他没有食言,因为他向他最好的朋友巴巴作过保证,要成为一个捕虾船长。And sure enough she kept her word. When I met him the next day his face and hands were all scratched up.
果然她没有食言,第二天早上我碰到菲尔莫,他的脸和双手全被抓破了。"Almost finished, " he said cheerfully. And then his voice dropped into a lower key. "My dad made good on his promise last spring. "
“快完工了,”他兴奋地说着。之后他的声音突然降了八度音。“这个春天那个承诺,我爸没有食言。”You've automatically arranged for a reward if you comply with your commitment and a punishment if you don't.
一旦实现承诺,你自然会得到奖励;如果食言,面临的就是惩罚。例Once he made a promise of help, he would never fall back.