The range is usually limited to the full - scale deflection of the indicator.
One of the most difficult factors to overcome is the wide operating range.
Range represents the maximum strain which can be recorded without resetting or replacing the strain gage.
This system has the advantages of large range, bandwidth and good repeatability.
该系统具有大量程 、 宽频带、重复性好的特点.
The extended interface of torque and speed instrument with different - range.
Measuring value can be set up optionally in measurement.
It use software to calibrate the measure accuracy ±3 % and linearity ±0.15 %.
The measure range of this astronomical measurement apparatus is calculated in light - years .
这台天文测量仪的量程是以 光年 计算的.
Changing the measurement range usually changes the test current as well.
All range voltage, Ampere meter , can suit the demand of customer.
任意量程的交直流电压 、 电流表均可按用户要求供货.
A new intelligent ultrasonic power meter with large measuring range was developed.
The uncertainty in the measuring range of 0—42 dB is less than 5×10~ ( - 4 ).
该装置在0—42分贝的衰减测量量程内,达到的不确定度优于±5×10~ ( -4 ).
Double range Balance has two precision. It was one, but two ranges.
双量程天平,一台天平具有二个量程 、 二个精度.
Peak voltage detecting system implemented by AT 89 C 2051 single chip computer is introduced.
For stability calculations, use the full - scale output values of RD and CD.
从稳定性考虑, 使用满量程时RD和CD的输出值.