That's too bad. He probably chose something he would like to have and didn't consider your taste. I hope you thanked him for it anyway.
我觉得,给别人买东西,应该买别人喜欢的才对。不过我打算发个电子邮件,谢谢他,不知道怎么写,来请教你。Some, in fact, have called it a VHLL (Very High-Level Language); though this term is not well-defined, I think its use is justified here.
Ruby简直是一个你怎么想就怎么写代码的语言。有些人实际上称之为VHLL(VeryHigh-LevelLanguage);虽然这个术语没有好好定义,我想它用在这里正合适。Design your articles in such a way that they really encourage people to leave comments and share their thoughts.
你的文章怎么能招人评论就怎么写,让读者看了你的文章就迫不及待地想要分享自己的想法。Bill: She hasn't missed a week since I left. But you know all that. You probably tell her what to write.
比尔:我走了以后,她一直和我保持联系。但是你是知道一切的。很可能是你告诉她怎么写的。Now back to the modern time, this foreign son-in-law kept writing. He said this year what he experienced in Taiwan is not what he expected.
回到现代社会来,继续看这个外国女婿是怎么写他所经历的今年的春节的。他说今年他在台湾所过的春节完全不像他所想像,所期待的。if you desire an interview, i shall be most hay to call in person, on any day and at any time you may a point.
如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照中国用英文怎么写所指定的时日,前往拜访。Could I love you one more time, baby? I would abnegate all, just for you. And I'll go with you and take care of you in all your life.
问题补充:让我在爱你一回好吗?用日语,英语怎么写?我愿意为你放弃一切,愿意照顾你一生!日语怎么写?You can read works by other authors that contain characters with similar speech patterns to see how other authors have done it.
你可以读一下其他作者的作品,看他们是怎么写有类似说话腔调的人物的。The first to write notes, do not know how to write foreign bank applicants, we look at the way the help of the suitability of this writing?