
  • All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets.


  • You were complete free to chose whether to take the left foot up or the right foot up. I had not said anything about it; you just decided.


  • An unemployed Austrian man has sawn off his left foot, apparently to avoid being found fit enough to go back to work, the Sky News reported.


  • He scrambled to his feet and, pausing to squint at the track, found his lines and started again, limping slightly on his left foot.


  • With him on the left the balance of the side will be better and he's still not at his peak.


  • Clear the way on foot, as if they do not know the first step the right foot or left foot.


  • THE monument to Soviet central planning was supposed to have been a heap of surplus left boots without any right ones to match them.


  • Carlos kicked the ball with the outside of his left foot to make it spin anticlockwise as he looked down onto it.


  • The wiry Brazilian flicked the ball over the heads of two opposing defenders before hammering into the far corner with a left footed volley.
