
汉语拼音:yú ròu



  1. 鱼和肉。泛指荤腥之食。

    《左传·昭公二十年》:“水火醯醢盐梅,以烹鱼肉。” 唐 李商隐 《杂纂》:“皭残鱼肉置盘上。” 宋 苏轼 《赠上天竺辩才师》诗:“何必言《法华》,佯狂啖鱼肉。”

  2. 比喻受侵害、欺压者。

    《史记·项羽本纪》:“如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为?”《资治通鉴·晋惠帝太安二年》:“吾属前已残暴 蜀 民,今一旦束手,便为鱼肉。” 鲁迅 《集外集拾遗补编·为北京女师大学生拟呈教育部文二件》之一:“可知 杨荫榆 一日不去,即如刀俎在前,学生为鱼肉之不暇,更何论于学业!”

  3. 比喻欺凌,残害。

    马王堆 汉 墓帛书《战国纵横家书·苏秦使盛庆献书于燕王章》:“臣止于 勺 ( 赵 )而侍(待)其鱼肉,臣□不利于身。”《汉书·灌夫传》:“太后怒,不食,曰:‘我在也,而人皆藉吾弟,令我百岁后,皆鱼肉之乎!’” 清 钱泳 《履园丛话·报应·孽报》:“﹝ 徐掌明 等﹞俱揽据要津……鱼肉乡里,人人侧目。” 峻青 《黎明的河边·水落石出》:“原来积善堂的主人 陈云樵 ,祖宗三代,都是作官为宦,鱼肉人民,搜刮了好大一笔产业,真算得是 昌邑县 有数的名门贵族。”


  • The cut surface of a schwannoma is similar to that of many mesenchymal neoplasms, with a "fish flesh" soft tan appearance.


  • "god knows how much that last one took, " he said. "but she's much lighter now. "


  • The main ingredient for this dish is usually mutton; however, beef, fish or prawn may also be used.


  • The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws.


  • And I do not know whether the sun will rot or dry what is left, so I had better eat it all although I am not hungry.


  • Sprinkle a bit of flour on the fish and fry it in olive oil. Add the rest of the seafood, add the white wine, let it reduce and reserve.


  • A sea lion is poised to catch a piece of fish thrown by his keeper at the zoo in the German city of Stuttgart.


  • Others are flown in from halfway around the world, but given labels that make you think they were caught fresh earlier that morning.


  • Back in the bow he laid the two fillets of fish out on the wood with the flying fish beside them.
