
汉语拼音:dòng míng cí



    • In English, gerunds end in " - ing ".

      在英语中, 动名词以 “ -ing ” 结尾.

    • In English grammar, the gerund has exactly the same form as the present participle.

      英语语法中, 动名词具有与现在分词完全一样的形式.

    • Pick out the participles or gerunds in the following sentences and give their functions.


    • Gerund is used partly as a noun, partly as a verb.

      动名词部分当作名词, 部分当作动词.

    • The pilot put on his flying - suit, waiting for the order.

      驾驶员穿上飞行服, 等候命令. (动名词)

    • The public buildings are equipped with air conditioning plants.


    • You've got mixed up by the use of participle and gerund.


    • When penetrating injury has produced a fracture, an open fracture exists.

      当穿透性损伤造成骨折时, 则为开放性骨折. (动名词)

    • After reading the book, I got to know something about electricity.

      (介词+动名词短语)把这本书读完之后, 我开始对电有所了解.

    • Denying this will be shutting one's eyes to facts.

      否认这一点就是闭眼不看事实. (动名词)

    • Maintaining a healthy self - esteem is ( be ) a challenge that continues throughout life.


    • They a great variety of measuring instruments.


    • Middle English, gerund of lightnen [ to illuminate, ].

      中古英语, lightnen的动名词 [ 照亮 ].

    • I. We use gerund after preposition, not infinitive.

      在介词后面, 我们使用动名词.

    • In latin, a noun derived from a verb and having all case forms except the nominative.

      动名词拉丁语中的动名词, 有除主格外的所有格的形式.