
汉语拼音:fān hóng huā

多年生草本。叶基生,线形。地下有鳞茎。秋末开花,淡紫色,着生于花茎顶端。花柱入药,称藏红花,有祛瘀生新、活血通经之功效。原产 欧洲,由 西藏 传入内地。明 李时珍《本草纲目·草四·番红花》:“番红花出西番 回回 地面及 天方国,即彼地红蓝花也。元 时以入食饌用。”


  1. 多年生草本。叶基生,线形。地下有鳞茎。秋末开花,淡紫色,着生于花茎顶端。花柱入药,称藏红花,有祛瘀生新、活血通经之功效。原产 欧洲 ,由 西藏 传入内地。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草四·番红花》:“番红花出西番 回回 地面及 天方国 ,即彼地红蓝花也。 元 时以入食饌用。”


    • Daffodils and crocuses bloom in the spring.


    • This paella would be great with a glass of white wine.


    • And tITe, bravely waving in the wind , were one pink crocus.

      就在那里, 有一株粉红色的番红花却在不屈地迎风摇曳着.

    • And there, bravely waving in the wind , was one pink crocus.

      就在这里, 有一株粉红色的番红花却在不屈地迎风摇曳着.

    • Crocuses are yellow, purple or white flowers which bloom early in spring.

      番红花是一种黄色 、 紫色或白色并在初春时开放的花.

    • They were crocuses, scattered whimsically throughout the front lawn.

      是番红花, 在屋前草坪上星罗棋布到处都是.

    • Oil, Tomato Khup , Saffron , Sugar, Alcohol, Pistachio , Fish Ton Saffrons.

      采购产品涂油水, 蕃茄, 番红花, 糖, 酒精.

    • But there was the crocus.


    • The pink crocus bloomed for only a day.


    • I love the flavor of cooked with saffron.


    • It was in the early spring, when the crocus and the snowdrop were in full bloom.


    • A few weeks later, the deep hurt still fresh, she eagerly waited for crocuses to appear.

      几周后, 她的丧夫之痛还记忆犹新, 却只能焦急地等待著草坪上的番红花再长出来.

    • Because of this labor - intensive process, saffron costs from US $ 500 to US $ 5, 000 a pound.

      因为这种劳力密集的过程, 使得每磅番红花要价从500美金至5, 000美金不等.

    • The October after Grandpa's death, I planted tulip and daffodil bulbs , snowdrops, crocuses, and bluebells.

      在爷爷去世后的十月, 我种了一些郁金香、水仙 、 雪花莲 、 番红花及蓝铃花.