



    • Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.


    • Add bay leaf and vegetables expect celery. Simmer until soft.

      加入香叶及所有蔬菜(西芹除外), 煮至材料软透.

    • Add also the carrots and celery, saute for 3 more minutes.


    • Aloe Vera, celery, grapefruit and cabbage juices promote healing of ulcers.

      芦荟 、 西芹 、 西柚和椰菜汁等都有促进溃疡复原的作用.

    • Cherry, pineapple and celery is very effective in lowering uric acid.

      樱桃 、 波罗、及西芹于降低尿酸方面特别有效.

    • Blend the celery, pineapple, tomato and lemon into a sauce.

      将西芹 、 黄梨 、 蕃茄和柠檬搅成汁.

    • Add celery, salt and black pepper, boil for 5 minutes. Serve.

      加入西芹 、 盐及黑胡椒, 煮约5分钟后即可食用.

    • Cabbage, celery, tomato, zucchini, and carrot cooked with rosemary.

      高丽菜 、 西芹 、 蕃茄 、 节瓜 、 红萝卜.以迷迭香等香草提味.

    • CeleryCelery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and many more look just like bones.

      西芹 、 白菜 、 大黄和别的许多东西看起来就象是骨头.

    • Mix fish with marinade. Cook carrot and celery in boiling water for 1 minute. Drain.

      鱼柳与腌料拌匀, 甘笋及西芹放入沸水中灼1分钟, 沥乾.

    • Made with white and wild rice, onion, celery, and a hint of rosemary.

      鸡肉米饭汤,里面有白米和野生稻米, 洋葱 、 西芹和少许迷迭香.

    • The basic characteristics of Ganxiang and sour , crispy skin, containing celery aroma, imitated crab meat's flavor.

      基本特点甘香、味浓, 表皮酥脆, 内有西芹的香味 、 蟹柳的鲜味.