The suprapersonal unconscious, being distributed throughout the brain-structure, is like an all-pervading, omnipresent, omniscient spirit.
这个超越个人的无意识,被分布在脑袋结构各处,就像是弥漫各处,无所不在,无所不知的精神。But it does indicate a mental process that religious ideas of a judgmental, omniscient god would be able to tap into.
但是这也表明,对于宗教思想中全能上帝的无所不知以及因果审判,人们还是有所思考的。I doubt you could ever make yourself into a completely universal person, if only because you can only travel in one direction in time.
百分之百的无所不知恐怕是不可能的,至少,你只能往一个方向作时间上的旅行。Something of a know-it-all, he comes across as slightly hostile, even if only through verbal argument, or jokes targeted at others.
他们可以说是无所不知,就算只是跟别人言语争执或者冲别人开玩笑,也都会稍微带些敌意。Being open to this will open up your mind. If you think you know everything, great insights will just pass you by.
保持开放的心态就会开放你的思想,如果你以为你已经无所不知,那么深刻的见解就会错过。Well-connected Kikuyu business leaders are trying to persuade Mr Kibaki to give in and form a government of national unity.
无所不知,无所不能的基库尤商界领袖正在试图劝说奇贝吉先生宣布成立一个统一团结的政府。You don't want the victims, nonbelievers, or know-it-alls. It is up to you to make sure they take their anti-innovative outlooks elsewhere.
你肯定不想要受害者,怀疑者或无所不知者。他们要不要带着他们的反创新观念另谋高就,完全取决于你。The omniscient effect this created tended to terrify victims; one said later that she felt like her life had been taken from her.
其无所不知的行径吓坏了受害者们;其中一人后来说她感到就像自己的人生被剥夺了。Thinking you know everything, rejecting new methods and vehemently insisting on your ways prevents you from connecting with others.