汉语拼音:guā mù xiāng kàn
《三国志·吴书·吕蒙传 》裴松之注引《江表传》:“士别三日,即更刮目相待。” 意思是离别三天,就应该用新的眼光看待。指别人已有进步,不能再用老眼光来看待。
- 【解释】:指别人已有进步,不能再用老眼光去看他。
- 【出自】:《三国志·吴志·吕蒙传》注引《江表传》:“士别三日,即更刮目相待。”
- 【示例】:世界也~,东亚病夫居然奋起了,睡狮果然醒了。
◎朱自清《这一天》 - 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、宾语;用于取得显著成绩
His new hobby is now debate and he hopes that he can impress the girl with his skills there, just as he did with his singing.
如今,他又新添了一个爱好——辩论。他希望自己的辩论技巧能令心上人刮目相看,就像他的演唱一样。Liu help thank are kang kang to help, is between the socks off the rivalry between the two, two men more slowly become close, later removed.
刘帮感谢正康帮助,对正康刮目相看,两男之间的芥蒂慢慢消弭,后来更成为好友。He finished a difficult task before long he worked in that company, and all of his colleagues looked at him with new eyes.
他进公司不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们都对他刮目相看。After entering the company, he finished a hard task alone, so his colleagues look at him with new eyes.
他进公司后不久就独立完成了一项艰巨的任务,同事们对他刮目相看。Just a little advanced planning now will mean you get a lot more accomplished than usual. Prepare to leave everyone wowed.
事前计划一下会使你比平时完成更多事情,别人也会对你刮目相看。Perhaps more impressively, Brazil's recent progress seems to have been evenly shared.
更另人刮目相看的是,巴西最近的发展似乎很平均地增长。As long as the eldership have a serious talk with me, and then they would think I am mature in thought, they would look at me with new eyes.
有和我认真聊过天的大人们或是长辈们都会觉得我是个思想挺成熟的女孩子,都有一种刮目相看的感觉。If in his room found the hidden thing, don't angry, generous tolerant attitude to treat, make a man of you sit up and take notice.
如果在他的房间里发现了这些被隐藏起来的东西,先不要动怒,以宽大包容的姿态来对待,让男人对你刮目相看。It was a no-brainer to hire the guy and place him in a spot where he could really influence things.