Find one that's easy to read and take time to work through their tutorials and examples before starting on your own page designs.
找一个容易明白的网站,并且花点时间研究教学影片和范例,然后再开始你自己的网页设计。While your project management style may be superb and your coding technique beyond measure, design comes with its own set of questions.
当你对管理和代码问题都能应对自如后,网页设计的问题自然就会浮现出来。A similar approach exists in Web design: users expect to see a logo in the top left, navigation along the top, etc.
网页设计中也使用了相似的方法:用户希望在左上方看到该网站的专用标志,紧接着为网站导航等等。Please be ready to show me a Shopify store that you have made, as well as other web design work you've done.
请准备好给我看Shopify储存您所做的,以及其他网页设计工作,你做。Thanks for the suggestions, but I think I'll stick to a simple, uncluttered page. How long did it take you to do all of that?
谢谢你的建议,但我还是会坚持设计一个简洁,整洁的网页。设计这些花了你多长时间?Software is often an afterthought from the consumer's end, but when you're at the front lines this topic is very important.
软件通常是根据用户的需要而产生的,但如果你工作在(网页设计)第一线,这个话题就对你很重要了。Designing websites that are malleable and easy to maintain is a sign of a great web designer.
设计一个有可塑性、易于维护的网站,是一个伟大网页设计师的标志。Have a professional, easy-to-navigate, quick-loading design. Hire a professional design firm or at least use a good site template.
1有一个专业的,易于浏览且可以快速装载的网页设计。聘请专业设计公司,或者起码使用一个不错的网站模板。Photoshop has been a part of every web designer's life since they picked up their first mouse.