"Contribution to world growth matters more than size. From that point of view, China passed Japan quite a while ago, " she said.
瑞银的王涛建议,我们也许不必太在意这个里程碑,“对世界经济增长的贡献远比经济总量更加重要,从这一点来说,中国早在几年前已超越日本。”China, with an economy less than one-third the size of the U. S. economy, is spending about $1 trillion on upgrading its infrastructure.
中国这个经济总量不到美国三分之一的国家,拿出了约一万亿美元来改善它的基础设施。Yao Jian: Recently, I also noticed the figure, and I shared the opinion of MOFCOM last September here in terms of economic aggregate.
最近我也注意到这个数字,去年9月份我专门就经济总量的问题也在这儿跟大家表达过商务部的观点。Although private debt had been rising, the country's overall debt-to-GDP ratio had not ballooned, because the Greek economy was growing.
尽管民间借贷总额在不断增加,但是整个国家的债务跟国民生产总值的比率没有上升,因为当时希腊经济总量节节攀升。Who would have thought that, despite years of auto-industry hardship, the economy of Michigan is still the same size as Taiwan's?
谁会想到,尽管汽车工业经历了这些年的困苦,密歇根州的经济总量竟然与台湾还在同一个规模上?Per capita, it still will be about only a fifth of the United States because it has to be distributed over a much larger population.
中国的人均国内生产总值仍将只有美国的约五分之一,因为其经济总量需要平摊到大得多的人口上。So the net government stimulus was barely $100 billion a year in a more than $14-trillion economy.
所以政府的净刺激额仅仅是1000亿美金一年在一个经济总量为14万亿美元的国家。It is reported that China's economy is now to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European Union.
据报道中国的经济总量目前仅次于美国——比日本或欧洲任何一个国家都要大。Include businesses where the state owns minority stakes above 10%, and no less than one-tenth of the French economy is partly state-owned.