
    • Miss Lin shook her head, then fluttered from the room like a moth.

      林小姐摇头, 就像扑火的灯蛾似的扑向外面去了.

    • A moth darts into a flame because it has phototaxistic.


    • You are a good man , belive yourself , you can do it well.

      飞蛾在扑火的时候, 它一定是很快乐的.

    • Casanova: Be the flame - not the moth.

      要做火焰,而不是 扑火 的飞蛾.

    • The world is dancing. I pray for desperate destruction like incects fly towards the fire.

      世界在舞蹈. 我祈祷着飞蛾扑火的毁灭.

    • Like a moth light alone , Samson went back again and again to Delilah.

      就像灯蛾扑火一样, 他一次又一次地重投大利拉的怀抱.

    • Do you think the neighbours can be recruited into helping us to put out the fire?

      你认为能说服邻居们来和我们一起扑火 吗 ?