He's unsympathetic, but charismatic and complex.
Gandhi was an inspirational figure.
The quite magnificence of his political pathos lay in this.
The music so produced is sometimes powerful and evocative.
The Court's desire to shield " quasi judicial " officers from executive domination has obvious appeal.
法院避开行政一统天下而保护 “ 准司法 ” 官员的愿望显然具有感召力.
He is an inspirational coach, a man of true quality.
他是一位非常有感召力的教练, 一位真正的品质高尚的人.
He's a great teacher. He has a lot of energy and charisma.
他是个很棒的老师. 他精力充沛,很有感召力.
He has a lot of energy and charisma.
We regard Abraham Lincoln as an inspiring leader.
Or Jasper , was really charismatic, and could always talk people into seeing his side of things.
或者是贾斯帕, 极具感召力的他, 总能通过谈话引导人们朝他所期望那个方向去.
Sculpture is the most powerful and inspiring tangible art among all modeling arts.
Inspirational force company advertisement language : Move and inspire the outstanding person personage, the accomplishment commerce fond dream.
广州感召力总公司品牌传播理念: 感召精英人士, 成就商业梦想.
Critics love the actor for his'honesty, accessible charm, and amazing comic timing.
评论家喜欢这个演员因为他是 “ 诚实, 有感召力的魅力和非凡的幽默感. ”
Truthfulness , honesty and beauty are the basics of art source for art affection and inspiration.
A great teacher, a remarkable football coach, an inspirational minister encouraged him on his way.
在他的前进道路上,一位了不起的教师, 一位杰出的足球教练, 还有一位具有感召力的牧师,都曾给他以鼓励.