A low crime rate, renowned hospitality, and spectacular natural resources make Greece an ideal destination for meetings of every kind.
低犯罪率、享誉世界的热情民风和引人入胜的自然资源使得希腊这个理想的目的地可以接待各种形式的会议。Let me have to think of new zealanders. Although the national intelligence, but not a profound culture, honest people.
让我不得不觉得新西兰人的聪明才智。虽然这个国家历史不久远,但是文化底蕴深厚,民风淳朴。Although it is only a game, but it is the Chinese Confucian, Taoist thought as well as the performance of traditional folk customs head.
虽然它只是一款游戏,但它把中国的儒家、道家的思想以及传统的民风民俗表现得淋漓尽致。Indiana is home to pragmatic conservatives, with a few southern counties dipped in the Bible Belt.
印第安纳州是务实保守派的大本营,几个南部区县更是位于民风保守,笃信宗教的“圣经地带”。Fuzhou honest people, culture, known as "the seaside investigates" .
福州民风淳朴、文化昌盛,素有“海滨邹鲁”的美誉。HeZhou has 2000 years of history, cultural relics of of primitive simplicity is various, folkway is full-bodied, natural scenery.
贺州已有两千多年的历史,文物古迹繁多,民风古朴浓郁,自然风光秀丽。Chu cultural totem, contains a specific myth and folk custom, with its specific meaning and representation.
楚文化图腾中,蕴含有特定的神话以及民俗民风,有其特定的意义和代表性。More than bringing us a strong feeling of the local culture, it is a song of praising humanity beauty.
《边城》是沈从文当之无愧的代表作,它不仅让我们感受到了一股浓浓的、淳厚的民风,更是一曲人性美的赞歌。Zhangye has a long history, splendid culture, beautiful mountains and simple folk customs. It is known as the "Golden Zhangye" .