Once a kid got old enough to help around the house, he was no longer around the house to help.
等到孩子大了,可以指望他在家里帮点忙,他却离家出走了,啥忙也帮不上。One October afternoon, he came to her, to her work. No crying, no cry, behoove as if he just ran away from home.
十月的某个午后,他来找她,想与她重修旧好。没有哭泣,没有哀求,理所当然得好似他只是离家出走了一样。To him, home was just like a hell. So he began to play truant and then at last he left his home.
对他来说,家就像地狱一般。于是这个孩子开始逃学然后索性离家出走。When I put him with only a few dozen blocks of that was erased when the money was already the seventh day I ran away from home.
当我把身上仅带的那几十块钱花得一干二净时,已是我离家出走的第七天。She grew up in a dysfunctional home, with a drunken father who abused her mother so badly that she walked out seven years ago.
她在一个不正常的家庭中长大-父亲酗酒,整天谩骂母亲,七年前母亲因不堪忍受离家出走。When he was born, he was so ugly that his own mother made him wear a mask, and forced him to leave home while still a child.
当他刚刚出生时,长得非常丑陋,因此他的亲生母亲让他带上一个面具并在他很小的时候就逼他离家出走。He sums it up in his British travelogues, The Kingdom By the Sea, as the liberating fantasy of running away from home.
他在自己的英国游记《濒海的王国》中,将他的这种逃避概括为“使人解脱的离家出走奇想。”A week since walking out on her family, she hasn't figured out what to do next.
离家出走已有一个星期,她还没有想出下一步该怎么办。Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away. so he said to his mother, 'I am running away.