And yet poets do it all the time: close reading is part of good reading.
而诗人却一直那样做:文本细读是精读的一部分。It was a question of constructing an elaborate formal edifice to which everybody could contribute. Students got excited about it.
现在的精读已形成了一种精确而正式的体系,每个人都可以做出自己的贡献,学生当然会对此感兴趣。As soon as I had finished eating the noodles, I began to do my English reading homework, and felt that my composition was not so good.
吃饱之后我就开始写英语精读作业,感觉自己写的作文不是很好。To achieve such a goal, culture teaching is vital necessity in the College English Intensive Reading class.
第一章介绍了大学英语精读课教学中针对非英语专业学生的文化教学的重要性。Users can sort by color and by means of quickly distinguish the different folder, or you can easily browse through its properties.
用户能用差别颜色、排序等方法迟缓区不分差别文件夹,也可以便捷不天精读其属性。As a version of communicative language teaching, Discussion-oriented teaching is designed in intensive reading course of college English.
在大学英语精读教学实践中运用交际教学法,采取以讨论为主的交际教学形式,是对交际教学法理论的一个大胆实践和创新。It elevates students' learning interests in language teaching and is the complementation and improvement of intensive reading.
泛读在语言教学中起到提高学生学习兴趣的作用,是精读的补充和提高。Over the years, foreign language has regarded intensive reading instruction asa main subject in the foundation teaching phase.
长期以来,外语一直把精读课作为基础教学阶段的一门主课。During review instruction, teachers should scrutinize test syllabus, study examination questions, reflect and summarize.