With much reverence and ceremony, he slowly removed my hat with both hands and presented it to me as though it were the crown jewels.
他毕恭毕敬、彬彬有礼,用双手将我的帽子缓缓取下呈献给我,仿佛那是一顶至尊的王冠。You have been deliberately mislead and kept in the dark over many events, that as Sovereign Beings you have every right to know about.
你们已经被故意的误导,并且在许多事件上被限制在黑暗的理解中,但是作为“至尊的存有”你们拥有一切的权利去知道一切。History became legend, legend became myth and for two and a half thousand years, the Ring passed out of all knowledge.
历史变成了传说,传说变成神话。两千五百年来,至尊魔戒的下落无人得知。Torino Lamborghini Spyder Supreme diamond phone is one of the best phones that I have come across lately.
兰博基尼至尊钻石手机是目前我所遇见的最好的手机之一。He is the shelter of the devotees, the master of every house, the Supreme Lord, and the Lord and master of Brahma.
您是奉献者的庇护,是每个家庭的主人,是至尊主,是布茹阿玛的主和主人。This burger eventually found its way back to McDonald's rebranded, restyled , and actually put together for you, as the Big N' Tasty.
这种汉堡包最终找到自己的出路,重回麦当劳更名,重新设计,实际上为你们而包装,就像那个至尊汉堡。Although McDonald's had recently introduced more healthy options in China, it was also heavily marketing a "Mega Mac Burger" , he said.
弗朗奇表示,虽然麦当劳近来已在中国推出了更多的健康食品,但它同时也在大力推广“至尊无霸”(MegaMacBurger)。Sovereign Glue. . . "Caution: will permanently bond skin. " I should hope so, given what I paid for it. . .
至尊胶……“注意:会永久粘在皮肤上。”希望如此,毕竟我可是花了大价钱的…One of my favorite Avengers moments involves Hawkeye cheating on a game of chance with the Gamesmaster.