Coins, buttons, jewellery, zips - the list is endless. So many things have it in. It does make shopping a bit of a nightmare.
硬币,纽扣,珠宝,拉链——列出清单来实在是没完没了。太多的东西含有镍了。它让购物变成了一场噩梦。It stated it would be happy to work with a list and thanked the Delegation of Brazil for providing it.
它说,它愿意采用列出清单的办法,并且感谢巴西代表团提供了这一办法。Thus, Americans admire a "well organized" person, one who has a written list of things to do and a schedule for doing them.
因此,美国人羡慕有条理的人,这种人把要做的事情列出清单并写出做这些事情的日程表。It's easy to make a list of healthy to dos.
把为健康做应做的事列出清单很简单。She was meticulous about paying her bills , insisting I make out a bill for what she owed .
她付钱时算得可细了,坚持让我把她应付给我多少钱逐项列出清单来。And if you know any great strategics please list them.
如果你有知道其他伟大的战略投资者,请列出清单来。Master Huang: Write up the list of things that need revising and show it to me.
黄师父:把需要修改的部分列出清单叫我过目。You should make sure all verification requests are faxed back to the person handling business listing so listings can be verified promptly.
您应该确保所有核查请求传真回办理业务的人可以列出清单以便及时核实。Two months before, Dave had asked Jill to map out the percentage of the sales force that was getting trained week by week, by region.