
汉语拼音:qīng qīng




  1. 形容颜色很青。

    《诗·郑风·子衿》:“青青子衿,悠悠我心。”《古诗十九首·青青河畔草》:“青青河畔草,鬱鬱园中柳。” 唐 刘商 《山中寄元二侍御》诗之一:“桃李向秋彫落尽,一枝松色独青青。” 郭沫若 《星空·<广寒宫>诗剧》:“天宇色青青,星星次第明。”

  2. 借指杨柳。古人惜别多折杨柳相赠。

    宋 贺铸 《减字木兰花》词:“ 西门 官柳,满把青青临别手。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·偕计》:“惊春梦题诗锦屏,整归鞭重问青青。”

  3. 浓黑貌。

    南朝 宋 何长瑜 《嘲府僚诗》:“ 陆展 染白髮,欲以媚侧室。青青不解久,星星行復出。” 宋 辛弃疾 《临江仙·簪花屡堕戏作》词:“青青头上髮,还作柳丝长。” 元 萨都剌 《百字令·登石头城》词:“歌舞尊前,繁华镜里,暗换青青髮。”

  4. 形容年纪很轻。

    鲁迅 《彷徨·祝福》:“谁知道年纪青青,就会断送在伤寒上?” 郭沫若 《屈原》第二幕:“你年纪青青就晓得好学,也还专心。”

  5. 形容久盛不衰。

    唐玄宗 《赐新罗王》诗:“益重青青志,风霜恒不渝。”

  6. 草木茂盛貌。

    《诗·卫风·淇奥》:“瞻彼 淇 奥,緑竹青青。” 毛 传:“青青,茂盛貌。” 陆德明 释文:“青,子丁反,本或作‘菁’,音同。”《楚辞·九歌·少司命》:“秋兰兮青青,緑叶兮紫茎。” 洪兴祖 补注:“《诗》云:‘緑竹青青。’青青,茂盛也。音菁。”


    • " Clouds darken with darkness of rain, Streams pale with pallor of mist . "

      云青青兮欲雨, 水澹 澹 兮生烟.

    • Welcome to Anime Passion's site! Click here to see the shopping guidance!

      欢迎光临青青动画狂潮主页! 请按这里查看购物流程!

    • " Why did you get face green green? "" I see a pork chop! "

      “ 点解你面青青既? ” “我见到件猪扒 啊 ! ”

    • Qing Qing : Besides the ice box.

      青青: 藏在冰箱旁边.

    • A flock of birds are singing their songs.


    • Qing Qing: Shanghai agency's Manager Li.

      青青: 上海旅行社那个李经理.

    • Green green fields, thin, green, such as homeland covered give a green carpet.

      田野里碧绿碧绿的, 麦苗细细的 、 青青的,像给家乡铺上了一张绿色的地毯.

    • From the two - story house overlooking the positive, green mountain accompanied by an amiable breeze, refreshing.

      从两层的正屋远眺, 青青的山伴着和蔼的轻风, 令人心旷神怡.

    • I am yearning for the blue ridges of the mountains in my hometown.


    • Blue is the sea, Green is the grass, White is the clouds , As they slowly pass.

      蓝蓝的海, 青青的草.雪白的云儿, 慢慢地飘.

    • The main reason reason juveniles commit crimes is those social environment is becoming worse.


    • Cloth Gu Shengsheng , seedling is green, arrived again the season that paddy transplants rice seedlings.

      布谷声声,秧苗青青, 又到了水稻插秧的季节.

    • The spring is coming . Be sure to remember my gree dress often and cherish verdant grass.


    • Lush gardens of beans, corn, squash, onions and lettuce grow as if they're in a hothouse.

      青青的菜园里种着豆子 、 玉米 、 南瓜 、 洋葱,一些野菜也混杂在其中,像是种在温室里面似的.

    • The main reason reason the juveniles commit crimes is those social environment is becoming worse.


