You know, if you can get a couple of the popular kids to sign up, the rest will fall right in line.
如果你能找几个风云人物加入乐团,其他的人立马紧随其后。However, this was the man of the hour is still too powerful to maintain a cool head.
不过,这位曾经权倾一时的风云人物依然保持着清醒的头脑。Was it only a year ago our "it " girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school" ?
这不是那个一年前,神秘消失,转学到“寄宿学校”的风云人物?serena was the "it" girl, but she just disappeared and doesn't tell her best friend, doesn't tell any other friends.
serena曾经是个“风云人物”,但她就这么消失了,没告诉她最好的朋友,也没告诉其他的朋友。From the time, the contents of this book ZhaoTingWu period depicting completely, the emphasis on the two person "s horn shopping. "
从时刻内容上看,赵廷武的这部书对这段时代的描画有头有尾,全书重点放在了两个风云人物的角拼上。American popular figure Franklin said in his Autobiography of Endeavor that he had made a ten-year endeavor plan when he was young.
美国风云人物富兰克林在《奋斗自传》中介绍,在年轻时他为自己制定了一个由平凡走向卓越的十年奋斗计划You used to be the king of the random hookup. Like Wilt Chamberlain, only shorter, and whiter.
你曾经也是风流倜傥的风云人物,就像威尔特-张伯伦,只是你比他矮了点,白了点。Popular soccer player David Beckham has won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award at just 35 years of age.
35岁的著名球星大卫-贝克汉姆在BBC年度体坛风云人物颁奖典礼上被授予终身成就奖。Maybe the fact that Deng was selected twice as "Person of the Year" by the world-famous American Time magazine tells it all.