Youth is not a time of life , It is a state of mind , it is nota matter of rosy cheeks , red lips , and supple knees.
青春不是年华,它是一种心境,它不是粉颊,红唇,柔膝。是意气恢弘,情感勃发,是人生暮年的一种心旷神怡。However, the size, and grandeur of a cliff is always so captivating.
不过,岩壁的恢弘巨大总是更能摄人心魄。But the enigma remained. He pitched the idea to Fox, but in the process of developing it, he said, "a grand new mythology" emerged.
但这个谜一直没有揭开。他向福克斯公司提起过这件事,但是他说,在解开这个谜团的过程中,出现了“一个新的恢弘的神话”。This frozen panorama is the door to a bloody crime, and to a far broader narrative.
这个冷酷的场面是一个血腥的罪行、一个恢弘的故事的序曲。The political image of totalitarianism is one of "sheer" stunning beauty for its imposing visual effect.
专制集权的政治意义表现出一种“纯粹”的美,恢弘到无限动人。Of course, the issue of need for a majestic chapter, this is not the luxury of this article.
当然,对这一问题的探讨需要一个恢弘的篇章,这决非本文的奢望。Stepping out of the magnificent Forbidden City you will step into massive mazes of roads packed with cars.
走出气势恢弘的紫禁城,你看到的是迷宫般的路网和巨大的车流;Confucian Temple momentum building qualities, Berlin hospital Cang Li, flowers and dependencies , the environment elegant.
文庙建筑气势恢弘,院内苍柏林立,花草相依,环境幽雅。Although, it is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is known for its extremely huge size and beautifully complicated landscape.