At this point let me switch from spiritual teachers back to the blogging world (not my blog, the entire blogging world in general).
在此,让我们从精神主义的教师转回到博客世界来(不仅仅是我的博客,而是整个博客世界)。Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincoln's sexual indifference is what contributed to his wife's mental illness.
Tripp进一步推测是由于他妻子的精神疾病引起林肯的性行为冷淡。This obviously makes it a fantastic opportunity to explore -- both as a journalist as well as a spiritual seeker.
这显然会制造一个绝佳的机会,去探究----作为一个新闻工作者和一个精神引领者。You could find that since Pisces likes to be charitable, compassionate, and spiritual, that these types of activities add to your portfolio.
你可以发现,由于双鱼座喜欢是慈善,富有同情心和精神,是这些类型的活动添加到您的投资组合。While the mother keeps her daughter close to her, she trains her son to move away from her, to develop independence.
母亲尽量让她的女儿躲在自己怀里,可是她却训练她的儿子离开自己,去发展独立自主的精神。It has come to our attention that many of you are underestimating the power that you hold regarding that of physical and mental ability.
得到我们注意的原因是你们许多人还是低估了你们自身持有的物理与精神的能力。Kelly has been working with a therapist and plans to see a psychiatrist about her depression.
凯利正在和一个临场医学家一起努力并计划找个精神病专家来看看她的抑郁症。He thrust his head out of his revery and said: "Is there fighting on hand? "
他振作精神,伸着脑袋细听,说道:“是不是打起来了?”Your spirit can with me with, drive that I live bravely , unremittingly diligently!