All that is illumined by the sun and the moon.
What a hard life we had before liberation!
解放前的日月可真不好过 啊 !
The pyramids were really built to last.
There is a mass of murkiness which neither moonlight nor sunlight can penetrate.
And it grows wilder and wider as time passes.
We'll have to take steps to protect the lake's scenery and ecology.
A conceptual model of social exchange theory is presented and empirically assessed.
Countryside sun and the moon a dormant cat on the kang.
Days and months lost their normal duration, and the four seasons reversed.
日月失度, 时节反逆.
Lau: All artists should continue to absorb new ideas, right?
刘: 所以艺人是应该不断吸收‘日月精华’对 吗 ?
Sun Moon Lake center island seat Yuexialaoren Guanghua Pavilion, for passengers itinerary.
日月潭中心光华岛上有座月下老人亭, 为旅客必游之地.
They loftily on the cloud, the sun and the moon following them.
他们高高地居于云端, 日月都尾随在他们的后面.
It's birthday month and things are finally beginning to click into place.
Sun Moon Lake is located 748 meters above sea level.
With order restored, the citizens were in great exultation.
日月重光, 民心大悦.