
  • He said the new service was aimed at driving up revenues and readership and above all about understanding how news is read online.


  • But the precise definition is usually left out of articles that simplify the theorem for the general public.


  • He visited a remote school with just a few books and, without much forethought, promised to return with reading materials for the children.


  • So avoid reading anything that you know is too difficult for you. Reading should be a pleasure, so the texts should be within your range.


  • This book introduces you to a number of techniques that you will find useful in both your reading and writing .


  • White granted access to his papers on condition that he be allowed to read and comment upon the biography in progress.


  • The philosophy of this movement was to "let things appear as they are" or to refrain from reading our presuppositions into a text.


  • I learned to read carefully, and not to be satisfied with a superficial undersanding of a book.


  • Note that this should not be a summary of the readings, but some of the students' own thoughts about the themes and debates of the readings.
