One of the reasons Sherif's study is so famous is that it appeared to show how groups could be reconciled, how peace could flourish.
Sherif的研究如此出名的一个原因在于,它说明了不同团体间如何才能得到和解,和平之树如何才能繁茂。Twisted, silvery stubs are all that remain of a lush grove that once offered up a yearly abundance of fat green olives.
曾经那繁茂的果园,曾经那结出大颗绿橄榄的高产果园,如今却只剩一些弯曲的银色残桩。And I think of my own house high above the sea amid the palm trees, my own house so different from all other houses.
我想象着我的房子高高的矗立在海面之上,隐没在繁茂的棕榈树丛中,我的房子与众不同。It stands in this piece of land, the wind, the garden trees full of life even more lush green of the.
它屹立在这片土地上,风吹来,满树充满生命的绿色更繁茂了。It is not an attempt to insert several disjointed , thesaurus-sounding keywords into the copy just to make it rank high in search engines.
插入不是一种尝试一些脱节,辞典-探通术牛鼻子字进入副本之内只是在搜寻引擎中使它成为繁茂的高度。Spring has none of these draw backs; the flower bloom, the woods and grasses grow luxuriantly , the weather is mild and the air is balmy.
春天却没有任何缺点,百花盛开,草树繁茂,气候温和,空气清新。"May my legend prosper and thrive. I wish it a long and happy life. " Coco Chanel.
愿我的传奇昌盛繁茂祝它绵延不绝、永远快乐。可可香奈儿。Combined, these elements provide an idyllic haven in a luxuriant tropical garden, a pervading sense of tranquility and luxurious relaxation.
这些要素结合起来,给繁茂的热带花园带来了田园诗般的避风港,和宁静和奢华休闲的普遍意义。Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood planted by the water: her fruit and her branches have grown out of many waters.