
汉语拼音:fán huā



  1. 亦作“ 繁华 ”。盛开的花;繁密的花。

    晋 陶潜 《荣木》诗之二:“繁华朝起,慨暮不存。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·诠赋》:“遂使繁华损枝,膏腴害骨。” 唐 李益 《牡丹》诗:“紫蕊丛开未到家,却教游客赏繁华。” 唐 李商隐 《和马郎中移白菊见示》:“素色不同篱下发,繁花疑自月中生。” 元 倪瓒 《三月一日自松陵过华亭》诗:“春与繁花俱欲谢,愁如中酒不能醒。” 清 纳兰性德 《南乡子》词之四:“烟暖雨初收,落尽繁华小院幽。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·在酒楼上》:“几株老梅竟斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛毫不以深冬为意。” 艾青 《复活的土地》诗:“河岸上,春天的脚步所经过的地方,到处是繁花与茂草。”

  2. 犹百花。

    三国 魏 曹植 《朔风》诗之四:“繁华将茂,秋霜悴之。” 南朝 宋 鲍照 《咏史》:“寒暑在一时,繁华及春媚。” 宋 范成大 《陆务观作春愁曲悲甚作诗反之》:“东风本是繁华主,天地元无著愁处。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·诗话·持雅堂诗集》:“《蓼花》云:‘大叶粗枝不畏风,艷分水国立庭中,年来閲徧繁华色,只有秋花耐久红。’”


    • Intrauterine wall, jewels set into flowers Jia Hui, glamorous.

      宫内墙上, 珠宝镶成繁花佳卉, 光彩照人.

    • Isn't It'similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?

      生命不正如同这随风而逝的繁花 么 ?

    • The summer and fall season, suffering Bicao, flowers shops, picturesque, charming brilliant.

      夏秋之季, 碧草连天, 繁花铺地, 风景如画, 绚丽迷人.

    • Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight.


    • To the flowered river bank, with morning laughter.


    • Yes, I believed we could act flowers in the same tree, a earth - shattering.

      没错, 相信我们能如一树繁花, 开得惊天动地.

    • In October until the time of autumn, the flowers and the wind to go Cuiye.

      待到十月秋风起, 繁花翠叶随风去.

    • For in the springtime flowers come in crowds , the busy wings of bees jostle each other.

      在春天繁花盛开, 蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤.

    • What a surprise of bumper harvest will the flowers bring us after they all are gone?


    • The lamps are bright in our balcony the flowers all fresh the youthful eyes still awake.


    • Man claims God's flowers as his own when weaves them in a garland.


    • The yard of the hotel is full and bamboos. Lawn andand some spring and pavilions.


    • Landscape school embraced the scattered buildings, Lam Xiuzhu, tree flowers, its elegant tranquil and pleasant reading.

      校内山水辉映、楼群错落 、 茂林修竹 、 绿树繁花, 其幽雅恬静宜人读书.

    • April, like a child, writes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers wipes them away and forgets.

      四月, 仿佛是个顽童, 用繁花在尘世上写下难懂的字,然后将它们抹掉并忘记.

    • April, like a child, writes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers , wipes than away and forgets.

      四月, 仿佛是个顽童, 用繁花在尘土上写下难懂的字, 然后将它们抹掉并忘记.

