Intrauterine wall, jewels set into flowers Jia Hui, glamorous.
宫内墙上, 珠宝镶成繁花佳卉, 光彩照人.
Isn't It'similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?
生命不正如同这随风而逝的繁花 么 ?
The summer and fall season, suffering Bicao, flowers shops, picturesque, charming brilliant.
夏秋之季, 碧草连天, 繁花铺地, 风景如画, 绚丽迷人.
Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight.
To the flowered river bank, with morning laughter.
Yes, I believed we could act flowers in the same tree, a earth - shattering.
没错, 相信我们能如一树繁花, 开得惊天动地.
In October until the time of autumn, the flowers and the wind to go Cuiye.
待到十月秋风起, 繁花翠叶随风去.
For in the springtime flowers come in crowds , the busy wings of bees jostle each other.
在春天繁花盛开, 蜜蜂的忙碌的翅翼也彼此摩挤.
What a surprise of bumper harvest will the flowers bring us after they all are gone?
The lamps are bright in our balcony the flowers all fresh the youthful eyes still awake.
Man claims God's flowers as his own when weaves them in a garland.
The yard of the hotel is full and bamboos. Lawn andand some spring and pavilions.
Landscape school embraced the scattered buildings, Lam Xiuzhu, tree flowers, its elegant tranquil and pleasant reading.
校内山水辉映、楼群错落 、 茂林修竹 、 绿树繁花, 其幽雅恬静宜人读书.
April, like a child, writes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers wipes them away and forgets.
四月, 仿佛是个顽童, 用繁花在尘世上写下难懂的字,然后将它们抹掉并忘记.
April, like a child, writes hieroglyphs on dust with flowers , wipes than away and forgets.
四月, 仿佛是个顽童, 用繁花在尘土上写下难懂的字, 然后将它们抹掉并忘记.