But the FBI caught up with him in Chicago and took him back to New York to stand trial.
但是联邦调查局终于在芝加哥追踪捕获这名逃犯,于是把他押解回纽约受审。Naval cover is stretched thinly over a vast tract of ocean, so delivering suspects to Kenya, say, would take a valuable warship off patrol.
海军护航力量稀疏地分布在辽阔的海域中;因此将嫌犯押解至肯尼亚意味着一艘宝贵的战舰将被移作他用。Students could take turns being handcuffed and marched out of the classroom in front of their colleagues.
学生们可以轮流感受众目睽睽之下双手被铐,被押解出教室。Senator Webb said Mr Yettaw had suffered a "medical incident" just before leaving Burma as authorities there read him his deportation order.
韦伯参议员说就在缅甸当局看到他的押解出境的命令后,他已经经历了一场医疗事故就在离开缅甸之前。He was remanded to a mental hospital for assessment.
他被转移押解到精神病院接受进一步的检查。Thomas missed passage on the First Fleet, where conditions were relatively humane.
托马斯没赶上押解囚犯到澳洲、待遇相对人道些的“第一舰队”(FirstFleet)。The criminal ran away during escort, because the men in charge of escorting breached their duty.
在监押途中犯人逃跑了,这是押解人员的失职。He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for trial.
他被捕后被押解回英国接受审判。On February 11th Mr Arruda was placed in police custody, to await trial for coercing a witness and attempting to destroy evidence.