Opening an account requires a week of bureaucratic procedures and a respected watchdog agency monitors large transactions.
开户需要一周的繁复审批程序,监督机构也对大宗交易进行监督。The reasons are complex, but boil down to Fannie and Freddie trying to protect their profits by imposing onerous fees and conditions.
导致这种结果的原因相当复杂,但归结到一点就是房利美和房地美公司试图通过施行昂贵的收费政策和繁复的贷款条件来保全自身利益。Even having spent 12 years in the UK, I fail to see the point of those feather-and-lace concoctions.
我已经在英国生活了12年,但还是弄不明白这种由羽毛和蕾丝构成的繁复头饰究竟有什么用处。Those complicated art language, but full of texture informs those yearn for her childhood and the time that filling with dream and romance.
繁复而富有质感的艺术语言传达出她对儿时经历的留恋,以及对那个充满理想与浪漫色彩年代的怀念。But a lengthy, voluntary process is impractical in the panic surrounding the failure of a very large, complex financial institution.
但是一个漫长的自发的重组过程在一个充满对庞大繁复的金融机构破产恐慌的氛围中是不现实的。It would be a profound privilege for me to play a role in applying those principles to the questions and controversies we face today.
而如何使用这些准则来解决今天我们所面对的问题和矛盾,这一重大繁复的责任就将落在我的肩上。As a lecturer, he gave clear and even-handed presentations in a field that can be confusing and divisive.
作为一个讲师,不论主题多么繁复,他都表达清晰而且熟练;It is one of the most mathematically complicated subjects among the "sciences" , as difficult as quantum physics.
它成了“科学”中从数学意义上讲最为繁复的学科之一,与量子物理学同样艰深。Still, it was quite a bit of work.