It was soon replaced by chloroform.
The organics are extracted with chloroform and weighed.
Without doubt chloroform is one of the most important compounds containing a carbon - halogen bond.
The separation of acetone, ethanol, benzene, chloroform, toluene was performed on a 10 % PEG - 20 M Chromosorb - W - AW - DMCS column.
对样品中残留丙酮 、 乙醇 、 苯 、 氯仿 、 甲苯的分离选用10%PEG-20Mchromosorb -W-AW-DMCS 公谱柱.
Study on the levels of volatile halogenerated hydrocarbon in drinking Linyi City.
In the epoxidation, chloroform and t butanol gave the best results.
在环己烯环氧化反应中, 以氯仿和叔丁醇为溶剂时,环氧化反应的结果最好.
Doctors used to put people under by chloroforming them.
Trichloroethylene has an odor like chloroform and boils at 87 ℃.
The chloroform extract was the most active.
Titrate some chloroform and observe.
For all adsorbents studied , the adsorption capacity always decreases with the increase of hydrochloric acid concentration.
They are insoluble in water, ethanol, methanol, acetone, chloroform and benzene, but, DMF and DMSO.
它们溶于N, N- 二甲基甲酰胺 、 N, N-二甲基乙酰胺和二甲基亚矾等溶剂,但不溶于水 、 乙醇 、 甲醇 、 丙酮 、 氯仿和苯.
Properties Soluble in benzene, acetone, chloroform, a little soluble in alcohol, insoluble in water.
性质溶于苯 、 丙酮 、 氯仿, 微溶于乙醇, 不溶于水,对呼吸道与皮肤有刺激作用.
Results: The ester - solubility extracts including petroleum, chloroform, acetylated fraction had significant antiulcer effect.
结果: 中药紫金砂的石油醚 、 氯仿 、 乙酸乙酯等脂溶性部位具有显著的抗溃疡作用.
Of the three extracts, the chloroform extract was indicated that possessed the strongest bioactivities.