
    • I'm a student who study in Guangdong Maoming College now.


    • The Maoming Marine board has succeeded rescues 225 fishermen to come ashore.


    • Advance name hard railroad implementation spans newly.


    • On this base, suggestions also madethe development of derivative products of epoxy ethane in Maoming region.

      在此基础上, 对茂名地区环氧乙烷衍生物产品的开发提出一些建议.

    • Based the theory and methods above, the three - dimension current field of Maoming sea area is simulated.

      应用上述理论与方法, 本文模拟了茂名海域的潮流三维流场.

    • New plant and extend device will be built in luxuriant name area of chemical industry garden.


    • Analysed the current situation that refinery lube produces name, put forward to improve a proposal.

      分析了茂名炼油厂润滑油生产的现状, 并提出了改进建议.