
汉语拼音:fèng xiān huā



  1. 一年生草本植物。叶子披针形,夏季开花,花二三朵同生叶腋,花色不一。红色花瓣可染指甲,俗称指甲花或指甲草。果实椭圆形,种子、根、茎均可入药。

    宋 周密 《癸辛杂识续集上·金凤染甲》:“凤仙花红者用叶擣碎,入明矾少许在内,先洗净指甲,然后以此付甲上,用片帛缠定过夜,初染色淡,连染三五次,其色若胭脂。” 元 萨都剌 《题吕城葛观》诗之二:“过客不知天畔月,小风吹落凤仙花。” 清 爱菊主人 《花史》:“ 李玉英 秋日采凤仙花染指甲,后於月中调絃。”亦省称“ 凤仙 ”。 元 程棨 《三柳轩杂识》:“凤仙为羽客。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草六·凤仙》:“凤仙,人家多种之,极易生。二月下子,五月可再种。”


    • They planted some garden balsams in the backyard.


    • My beloved is unto me as a cluster of henna - flowers In the vineyards of En - gedi .

      我的爱人像一丛 凤仙花,开放在隐基底葡萄园中.

    • My beloved is unto me as a cluster of camphire in the vineyards of Engedi.


    • To entice others, I began growing their favourite plants -- fuchsia, bee balm, cardinal flowers, touch - me - nots.

      为了吸引其他蜂鸟, 我开始载种它们喜爱的植物 —— 呆钟花 、 蜜蜂花、红花半边莲 、 凤仙花等.

    • Your plants are an orchard of pomegranates with choice fruits, with henna and nard.

      你所栽种的是一所石榴园,有极美的果子, 有凤仙花和哪达树.

    • My beloved is to me a cluster of henna flowers In the vineyards of En - gedi.

      14我以我的良人为一束 凤仙花,在隐基底的葡萄园中.

    • Effects of pollen mother cells and meiosis of microspores in Impations balsamina were investigated.


    • My love is to me as a branch of the cypress - tree in the vine - gardens of En - gedi.

      我以我的良人为一棵 凤仙花,在隐基底葡萄园中.

    • My lover is to me a cluster of henna blossoms from the vineyards of En Gedi.


    • " My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms In the vineyards of Engedi. "

      歌 1:14 我以我的良人为一棵凤仙花、在隐基底葡萄园中.

    • In the insect pest of balsamine, the mainest is mite, the spider that often says namely.

      在凤仙花的虫害中, 最主要的是螨, 即常说的红蜘蛛.