Her paintings have a naive, dreamlike quality.
Our clients purchased a large, vacant site for their new family house.
Empty your mind , be formless, shapeless, like water.
保持心境空灵,无式, 无形, 像水一样.
It has a wonderful blowing sound.
The style of high reality succeeded to the tradition of academy in Northern Song Dynasty.
Product features: The crystal clear, like a white, texture and form a harmonious, feeling spiritually quiet, super - gloss, high - pollution resistant properties.
技术特点: 晶莹剔透 、 宛如白玉, 纹理构成自然和谐, 感触空灵静谧, 超高光泽度, 高 防污 抗污性能.
He loves nature, natural exposure, a talent he used Hengyi Konglingyouyuan , Qingxinziran the poetic style.
他热爱自然, 置身自然, 用横溢才华形成他空灵悠远, 清新自然的诗风.
Unique form of snow gully from a Buddhist Temple , Buddhist circles dense long bell.
造型别致的雪壑禅院, 佛界钟声空灵久远.
Zen state is characterized by artistic beauty , tranquil beauty, unsophisticated beauty, and ascetic beauty.
禅境具有空灵美 、 静寂美 、 淡泊美 、 清寒美这四个主要特征.
Faye Wong's soothing , ethereal voice was considered perfect for conveying and lofty spirit of the song.
而王菲具有疗愈特质的空灵天籁, 被视为表达歌曲中崇高精神的完美之选.
Xu Hong : Big mountains , wild waters, free spirits, elegance and momentum joined together.
徐虹: 大山大水.空灵 、 飘逸与气势相结合.
Reality has given us a broad and thick, the artist has given us dense and poetic.
现实给了我们博大和厚实, 画家给了我们空灵和诗意.