The development of new technology is dependent upon a cooperative, multidisciplinary team approach.
新技术的开发有赖于协作的 、 多学科的队伍来实现.
Surrogate model is a key element of the multidisciplinary design optimization ( MDO ) .
代理模型是多 学科 设计优化的关键技术之一.
There is an inevitable conflict between generalization and specialization.
Horizontal well technology is an advanced new technology with team work.
Forestry science is an omnibus science that comprises by much discipline.
Acoustic emission ( AE ) testing is a rising multidisciplinary nondestructive testing technology.
声 发射检测 技术是一门新兴的多学科交叉的无损检测技术.
The medical equipment is the synthesis application result multi - disciplinary, multi - class technology.
医疗设备是多学科 、 多门类技术综合应用的结果.
The method was very single.
The Center provides a multidisciplinary approach to care.
The experiment process is important in the teaching, especially in the teaching of E - business .
摘要实践环节在教学过程中具有非常重要的作用, 对涉及多学科领域的 电子商务 专业更为突出.
By means of grid sharing, the problem of multidisciplinary CAE software coupling simulation is solved.
应用共享网格技术, 解决数字化环境下多学科CAE视图模型耦合仿真的难题.
By comprehension and cooperation of multi - subject, it is also suitable there for aim - oriented applied background research.
高等院校通过多学科综合与合作, 也适合开展具有目标导向的应用基础研究.
In patients with malignant PNET, metastatic recurrence is not uncommon and will usually require multimodality therapy.
Digital beam forming ( DBF ) is a soaring technology in muti - subjects area in last twenty years.
The union biomedicine engineering and the medical equipment characteristic forms a multi - disciplinary comprehensive scientific management system.