
    • The effective regulation of eye disorders and malnutrition, anti - radiation, heat - clearing and detoxifying.

      有效调节眼部功能紊乱及营养不良, 抗 幅射, 清热解毒,养肝明目.

    • Honeysuckle: of cold, with Qingrejiedu, evacuation wind heat, swelling analgesic effect.

      金银花: 性寒, 具有清热解毒 、 疏散风热 、 消肿止痛的功效.

    • With Spleen Qi, heat antidotes, such as cough Runfei effectiveness.

      具有补脾益气 、 清热解毒 、 润肺止咳等功效.

    • Actions : Antipyretic, antidotal, antiphlogistic and analgesic.

      功能: 清热解毒, 消肿止痛.

    • Non - type diabetic account 85 % of all patients. The treatment type should be clearing heat - toxicity , eliminating dampness.

      非 缺血性的占糖尿病足总数的85%左右, 治疗应以清热解毒利湿为主.

    • Holly bark had these effects to and detoxify, stop bleeding and resist bacterium and so on.

      救必应有清热解毒 、 止血抗菌等作用,临床常用于治疗感冒、扁桃体炎、咽喉炎、急性肠胃炎、痢疾、骨痛等疾病.

    • Millet can Spleen, and stomach, people sleep, the almond is head cold tuberculosis, Qingrejiedu medicine.

      小米能健脾, 和胃, 使人安眠, 杏仁是主治风寒肺病, 清热解毒的良药.

    • Chrysanthemum tea pot bubbles will help detoxify, on respiratory diseases and respiratory sensitivity will also help.

      泡一壶杭白菊茶,有助清热解毒, 对呼吸系统疾病及呼吸系统敏感亦有帮助.

    • Can aid digestion, clear hot detoxify, be good at lienal strong stomach, nourishing body.

      可帮助消化 、 清热解毒 、 健脾强胃 、 滋补身体.

    • Indications away heat and toxic and has marked effect in treating aquatic animals with viral diseases.


    • Mung bean soup is not only cool to quench their thirst, have heat - clearing and detoxifying effect.

      绿豆汤不仅清凉解渴, 还有清热解毒的功效.