汉语拼音:xìng gāo cǎi liè
形容兴致高昂,情绪热烈。《文心雕龙·体性》:“叔夜俊侠,故兴高而采烈。” 兴:兴致。采:精神。
- 【解释】:兴:原指志趣,后指兴致;采:原指神采,后指精神;烈:旺盛。原指文章志趣高尚,言词犀利。后多形容兴致高,精神饱满。
- 【出自】:南朝梁·刘勰《文心雕龙·体性》:“步夜俊侠,故兴高而采烈。”
- 【示例】:阿二忽然对于曾沧海的威吓全没怕惧,反而~的说起来了。
◎茅盾《子夜》四 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义
He stared at their boisterous, laughing faces, and felt that they would have much to answer for on the day of judgment.
他盯着他们兴高采烈,狂笑不止的脸,感到在审判日那一天他们将为他们干的许多事情受到惩罚。Michael looks over the elated faces in the guards' room, one of which will not be able to go on the escape.
Michael环视了警卫室里兴高采烈的那些面孔,其中有一个将没有机会继续参与这个越狱计划了。The next day, after I see him off at the bus stop, I walk around with a Ready brek glow and an overwhelming feeling of relief.
第二天,在公共汽车站与他告别之后,我兴高采烈和充满放松感地四处走。albert was not deceived , for the next evening franz saw him enter triumphantly shaking a folded paper which he held by one corner.
阿尔贝没有猜错,因为第二天傍晚,弗兰兹看到他手里拿着一张折拢的纸,兴高采烈地挥舞着走了进来。The car up a couple, they hugged with, happily came and sat down on the seat next to me.
车上上来一对夫妇,他们相拥着,兴高采烈地来到我旁边的座位上坐下。This did not prevent Napoleon from exclaiming cheerfully to Ney, "We have ninety chances out of a hundred. "
但是拿破仑仍兴高采烈地向内伊叫着说:“我们有百分之九十的机会。”Saying this, the Master began to sing in a voice sweet with rapturous love, his eyes turned upward.
师父说到这里,眼睛向上翻转,用甜美的声音兴高采烈地唱着。The children were all excited, for it was their first trip to their Hangchow home, about which they had heard their parents speak so often.
孩子们都兴高采烈,因为是第一次回南方杭州的老家,以前只是听见父亲提到杭州,这次是真要回去了。A shrill sound of laughter and of amused voices--voices of men, women, and children--resounded in the street while this wine game lasted.