And then you'll find out how many dimensions there really exists.
Warp Spider Exarch dual deathspinner damage increased from 30 to 35.
Warlock warp throw recharge time increased to 45 seconds.
Also, metadata can only be overridden once per type.
此外, 每种类型只可以重写一次元数据.
Interdimensionality seems to be chaos with a hidden pattern.
In three dimensions. you see the double helix.
在三维次元里, 你看到双螺旋.
Warlock warp throw power cost increased to 45.
Optical instruments: image measuring instrument, projectors, microscopes , glass, such as three yuan . 3.
光学仪器: 影像测量仪 、 投影仪 、 显微镜、放大镜 、 三次元等.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if someone on Earth came up an interdimensional astronomical lens?
In this paper, the approximation of order parabolic equation is studied with the anisotropic biquadratic element.
The auras of people who have loving thoughts are beautiful to behold on the inner planes.
Harry Potter ~ Except my almighty pocket, I also can use this magic wand very well.
哈利多啦,其实除了次元空间袋, 我还是很会用魔杖的哦!
You believed that a new position, a new goal was what was needed — a three - dimensional one.
你认定自己所需的新工作 、 新目标,仍旧是三次元的模式.