On the day of her being buried, I put the pen that she left to me into her urn.
下葬的那一天,我把她留给我的那支笔放进了骨灰盒。I'll be waiting with an open casket to bury you alive. years of betrayal will stain the days ahead.
我将等待着一个开放的骨灰盒埋葬你还活着。多年的背叛,会弄脏未来的日子。Now there's no casket, just a gold urn on a small table.
这次没有棺材了。只有一个摆在小桌上的金色骨灰盒。However, these subtly enamelled caskets, containing fragments rather than entire bodies, are much smaller than Roman tombs.
但是,这些精致的挂釉骨灰盒里面装的是遗体的部分,而不是整具尸体,因而没有罗马坟墓那么大。Mothers of the sailors wailed as they clasped their sons' photos and the urns containing their ashes.
遇难官兵的母亲紧抱孩子照片和骨灰盒,嚎啕恸哭。Police detained a man suspected of stealing the ashes of South Korean actress Choi Jin-sil Tuesday evening, local media reported.
据韩国媒体报道,韩国警方于25日晚拘留了盗走影星崔真实骨灰盒的疑犯。The utility model relates to a cinerary casket without the edge of casket lid which comprises a base.
本实用新型涉及一种没有盒盖沿的石制骨灰盒,属骨灰盒制造领域。The utility model relates to a paneling cinerary casket, which belongs to the manufacturing field of cinerary casket.
本实用新型涉及一种镶板式骨灰盒,属骨灰盒制造领域。She put the most important research data into a pre-customized urn with interlayer.