
汉语拼音:niè chǐ

1.咬牙切齿。形容怒极。《续资治通鉴·宋高宗建炎四年》:“﹝ 赵立 ﹞视 金 人如仇,每言及,必嚙齿而怒。”

2.齧齒:1.咬牙切齿。表示极其愤恨。语本《南史·韦叡传》:“初,胡景略 与前军 赵祖悦 同军交恶,志相陷害,景略 一怒,自啮其齿,齿皆流血。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“太子共 胡嵩 啮齿,仗剑来杀 费仲。”清 纪昀《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻一》:“其啮齿受玷,由力不敌,非节之不固也。”

3.咬。《佛说灌顶经》卷二:“昔有比丘名 般若提婆,诵习经法,中诸寒冷,遂为虫所啮齿。”


  1. 咬牙切齿。形容怒极。

    《续资治通鉴·宋高宗建炎四年》:“﹝ 赵立 ﹞视 金 人如仇,每言及,必嚙齿而怒。”

  2. 齧齒:1.咬牙切齿。表示极其愤恨。语本《南史·韦叡传》:“初, 胡景略 与前军 赵祖悦 同军交恶,志相陷害, 景略 一怒,自啮其齿,齿皆流血。”《武王伐纣平话》卷上:“太子共 胡嵩 啮齿,仗剑来杀 费仲 。” 清 纪昀 《阅微草堂笔记·如是我闻一》:“其啮齿受玷,由力不敌,非节之不固也。”

  3. 咬。

    《佛说灌顶经》卷二:“昔有比丘名 般若提婆 ,诵习经法,中诸寒冷,遂为虫所啮齿。”


  • "They seem to have wandered in after the last rains, " he replied softly. "I suppose they must be living off the rodents and birds. "


  • For over a year, Gorbunova collected deceased rodents from around the world and had them shipped to her lab in chilled containers.


  • Apartment Manager: There aren't any rodents or any other vermin in this apartment complex. I make sure of that.


  • The research resultsshowedthat the population density of rodents fluctuated obviously among different years, but there was no periodicity.


  • Grass along many of the verges has been burnt, apparently because hungry people have been trying to flush out rodents for food.


  • When you spend all day in a bio-lab, watching flesh-eating bacteria skeletonize small rodent s, it really works up an appetite.


  • As with the twins, the yoghurt bacteria did not change the composition of the rodents' resident communities.


  • Studies of prairie voles have previously shown that this hormone is important for binding together these rodents' tight-knit social groups.


  • The only mammal added to the list this year was the Eastern Voalavo, a rodent that lives in the mountainous forests of Madagascar.
