Teachers were threatened with kitchen knives, physically assaulted and verbally abused..
She scraped the rust off the kitchen knife.
Five people were injured as Reynolds slashed out wildly with a kitchen knife.
She stabbed him in the leg with a kitchen knife.
In the other hand he had our kitchen knife.
He clove the pumpkin with his kitchen knife.
With a kitchen knife in his hand, Antonio began to cut and carve this butter.
安东尼奥手持菜刀, 开始雕刻这块黄油.
Even the sharpest kitchen knife cannot cut its own handle.
Jack knife has hebetated, can you help me to grind it?
杰克,菜刀变钝了, 能帮我磨一下 吗 ?
Aubrey : That's a really sharp knife you've got there.
奥布里: 你这把菜刀实在锋利.
Bacteria can hide in a cutting board with lots of knife - cut indentations 2.
Formerly Have Three Brothers: chopper and bother, bad egg.
从前有三个兄弟: 菜刀和麻烦 、 坏蛋.
Multi Function Tool, Pocket Knife, Kitchen Knife Set , Scissors, Manicure Set.
采购产品多功能工具, 口袋刀, 菜刀组, 剪刀, 修指甲术组.
He'd been stabbed four times with a kitchen knife.
Even the sharpest kitchen knife can't cut its own handle.