Different words with the same spelling are distinguished in this dictionary by superscript numbers.
As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D / P at this sales - purchasing stage.
在此推销阶段, 我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励.
Each of them will be awarded with a certificate of accomplishment.
I am enclosing my resume for your consideration.
And the case was attached for verification.
We give you this bonus as approval of your work and for encouragement.
He hides money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on.
Standard cost performance reports information to managers of the cost implications of their actions.
This pamphlet is respectfully devoted to all those have made contributions to Shanghai Law Society.
Lastly, it draws conclusions about all parts of computation contents to be consulted.
We agree to compensate for the total loss on enclose draft for $ 15000 to pay therefore.
They decided to settle their debts with their creditors, and call it quits.
他们商议决定以资抵债, 两下扯平.
Many methods for environmental impact assessment ( EIA ) have been devised to aid identification.
有许多方法,为环境影响评估 ( 环评 ) 已制订援助,以资识别.
Friend author wants to talk about peripheral view, as a way of everybody is referenced.
故笔者想谈一点肤浅看法, 以资大家参考.