
  • The team didn't fall in love with its initial product and strategy and was able to quickly adapt to serve the needs of its users.


  • As you close your eyes and tune in to your imagination, you sense a soft glowing warmth begin to surround and pulsate around your body.


  • ENGROSSED IN PLAY, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze.


  • I needed a full day to soak in the atmosphere (and to rest) before I felt ready to leave.


  • But there is no point dwelling on it, it is all in the past, we have got to move on and concentrate on the Premier League.


  • After moving to Belgium, he studied art and began to immerse himself in Japanese paintings.


  • He had been so engrossed in his new discoveriesthat he had failed to stay shallow and dive close to the beach.


  • Spend a little while watching the sunset with your mate. Nothing extra is necessary. Just sit and take in the natural beauty of the sky.


  • One does not read these essays the way one does a newspaper; rather, one immerses in them to see a mind at work, thinking deeply.
