Thus, we can say that "European merchants did not initiate, but rather, exploited, an existing slave trade and made it incomparably worse. "
所以我们可以说,「欧洲商人并非草创奴隶交易的人,然而他们却扩展了既有的奴隶买卖并使得它糟糕到了极点。」After Joseph Smith died, the early pioneers wandered through the desert until they found the great salt lake.
约瑟夫史密斯死了之后,早期的草创者流浪穿越了这片沙漠,直到他们找到这座大盐湖为止。YouTube reminds him of the early days of Napster, an internet service that let users share pirated music.
YouTube让他想起Napster-让使用者分享盗版音乐的网路服务-的草创时期。All my worst designs have been created when I agreed to work with unrealistic deadlines.
我最糟糕的作品都是答应在不现实的时间内交稿后草创而成的。However, it is rare in literature for researchers to document the value of such Web-mediated communication systems.
然而,由于过去以网际网路为基础的协同科技还在草创阶段,文献中少有记载此类系统应用的价值与效益。Investors are betting heavily the cost will fall quickly as LED start-ups achieve scale and the technology advances.
投资人强烈预期随着LED草创企业达成规模经济,加上技术不断进步,成本将会迅速下滑。Google Labs contains a huge range of products and ideas, some in nascent form.
谷歌实验室有大量的产品和创意,一些还处于草创阶段。He helped create Apple, the first serious personal computer company.
他草创了第一代个人电脑公司--苹果公司。They started to establish the Literature Society three years ago.