Excuse me, gentle lords and ladies. Do not let me disturb you. Only a poor old harmless English rector.
请原谅,高贵的老爷们,女士们。但愿我不至于打搅了各位。敝人只是一个善良无害的英国老神父。Roughly 25% of the men surveyed said that they'd had a summertime crash or near-miss, while just 17% of women said the same.
大约有25%的爷们儿说他们在夏天撞过车,而只有17%的女士声称同样如此。Sometimes it takes a real man to set his ego aside, admit defeat. And simply start all over again.
你得知道,什么时候该不那么爷们,真正的爷们有时得抛下自傲,接受失败,然后仅仅是重新开始。When temperatures soar, many Chinese men raise their shirts in an attempt to stay cool.
当气温升高时,为了能凉快点,许多中国男爷们撩起衣衫。Trying to be a stud I walked over and said "What are you doing Friday night? "
我很爷们地走了过去说:“你星期五晚上干嘛?”He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out.
他说爷们点撑过去,然后拍了一下我的头,我被拍的晕了过去。Chun hate NC, any of the NC, the holy man will be light blinded eyes, ears, and after entering Hell, it was inhuman torture chrysanthemum.
春哥讨厌NC,任何一个NC,都会被神圣的爷们光芒刺瞎双眼、双耳,死后进入地狱,使其菊花受到非人的折磨。Just like a true badass, Li survived with only a minor injury while getting his daughter to safety.
就像一个真正的纯爷们一样,李连杰挺了过来并且救回了他的女儿,只受了点小伤。No matter how manly you think you are, cutting onions will make you tear up.