
汉语拼音:kūn bù



  1. 海藻类植物。又名纶布。可供食用、药用。中药上多以指海带。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草八·昆布》:“按 吴普 《本草》:纶布一名昆布……纶,音关,青丝綬也,讹而为昆耳。 陶弘景 以纶为青苔、紫菜辈,谓组为昆布。 陈藏器 又谓纶、组是二种藻。不同如此。”


    • This photo was taken during the 2007 Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.


    • Because of its trace amount in the nature, it is always prepared by bio - mimetic synthesis methods.

      昆布氨酸是昆布中一种具有降压活性的 非 蛋白质氨基酸,在昆布中的含量极少,一般采用仿生合成的方法制得.

    • Kelp is a kind of marine life, which has great value for health care.

      昆布是一种保健价值很高的海洋生物, 是卫生部规定的既可做药物,也可作为食品的原料.

    • Boil the Konbu Clear soup; melt the 2 table spoon of sugar into the soup.

      煮沸昆布清汤, 融入2汤匙的白糖.然后加入酱清和味琳.

    • White rice with seasoning . Very simple and less dinner plates to clean up.

      白米饭加些芝麻,柴鱼片,昆布. 简单的星期一晚餐.

    • Objective To optimize the extraction technology of alginic acid in Laminaria japonica Aresch.


    • PURPOSE : To produce Budd - Chiari syndrome ( BCS ) model for radiologic studies by using a self - devised Laminaria constrictor.

      用 自行 设计的昆布缩窄器开发供放射学研究的Budd—Chiari综合征 ( BCS ) 模型.

    • Clean the Konbu with clean clothes and soak it into water for at least 10 min.
