The system, which can be used to plan optimum flight schedules up to six years in advance, is unique in the industry.
本系统最多可预先规划未来六年的最佳航班时间表,为航运业的一项创举。Even if the Apollo program successors, it will always be a human being, one of the greatest innovation to stay in people's memory.
即使阿波罗计划后继无人,它也将永远作为人类最伟大的创举之一留在人们的记忆中。The company employs very small teams to work on a small number of ideas, some of which may turn into big hits.
公司雇佣一些小团队围绕一些创意工作,有些点子可能发展成伟大创举。This was a policy decision, and I congratulate the Shanghai authorities on setting a precedent.
这是一项政策决定,我祝贺上海当局的这一创举。King Sejong the initiative of the Han nationality's culture has been a qualitative leap.
世宗大王的这一创举使韩民族的文化得到了质的飞跃。Model and algorithm design is feasible, the system of research results in the same industry is the only initiative.
模型与算法设计是可行的,本系统的研究成果在全国同行业中是唯一创举。This opens the door for completely new therapies, as doctors can safely perform multiple interventions in one session.
这一创举开启了全新治疗理念的大门,使得各科医生可以在同一平台上安全的开展多种治疗。I think, this represents our biggest series of innovations or innovation launches in the history of the company at any single event.
我认为,这是我们在一项赛事中所做的最伟大的创举。Germany's muscular economic recovery is evaporating its own budget deficits, putting it in the best position to lead the initiative.