汉语拼音:xiāo shēng nì jì
- 【解释】:销:通“消”,消失;匿:隐藏;迹:踪迹。指隐藏起来,不公开露面。
- 【出自】:宋·孙光宪《北梦琐言》卷十一:“家生避地,亦到锦江,然畏颖川知之,遂旅游资中郡,销声敛迹,惟恐人知。”
- 【示例】:他生平最是趋炎附势的,如何肯~。
◎清·李宝嘉《官场现形记》第二十八回 - 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语、补语;用于人或事物
"I recollect, " said Waverley; "but did not the triumph of Presbytery AT the Revolution extinguish thAT sect? "
“我想起来了,”威弗莱说道,“可是,是长老会在革命中得到了胜利,难道这个教派还没有销声匿迹?”I do not know when to start from a fan blowing the heat up a one-year cicadas disappeared insects.
不知从什么时候开始刮来的一阵暖风,热醒了销声匿迹了一年的蝉虫。You get them started, they evolve rapidly and surprise you for a while, and then sort of die off.
你启动了他们,他们迅速演化,让你吃惊一段时间,然后似乎就销声匿迹了。1920s: Manufacturers and retail jewelers try to launch the concept of men's engagement rings, which sinks like a lead balloon.
1920年:制造商和零售珠宝商尝试制造男式订婚戒指,但是这个想法却像灌了铅的气球一样很快销声匿迹。After a period when it had dropped out of favor in Europe, the game was revived in England and Wales in the early twenties.
乒乓球曾经一度销声匿迹,在十九世界二十年代早期,它又在英格兰和威尔士获得新生。If this dolphin is now deemed to be extinct, scientists say it would be one of the few large aquatic mammals to be wiped out in 300 years.
如果这种海豚真的如所说的那样业已灭绝,那它算是近三百年来,为数不多的,销声匿迹的大型水生哺乳动物之一。The Green Movement's initial promise soon petered out, revealing, sadly, that it had very little political content to cohere support around.
“绿色运动”的最初承诺快速地销声匿迹,可悲地揭示了这样一点:它没有得到广泛支持的政治主张。The areas of brick hovels without so much as a toilet, which used to shape the cityscape in many districts, have begun to vanish.
在北京许多地区,过去所呈现出来的市容是连片的连一个厕所都没有的砖房。现在,这些砖房已经开始销声匿迹了。They might decently submerge themselves until the misery and shame of this had in part at least been forgotten.