
汉语拼音:zhōng tiān



  1. 高空中;当空。

    《列子·周穆王》:“王执化人之袪,腾而上者,中天迺止。” 唐 杜甫 《后出塞》诗:“中天悬明月,令严夜寂寥。”《红楼梦》第四八回:“月桂中天夜色寒,清光皎皎影团团。” 陈毅 《乐安宜黄道中闻捷》诗:“半夜松涛动山岳,中天月色照鬚眉。”

  2. 犹参天。

    《文选·班固<西都赋>》:“树中天之华闕,丰冠山之朱堂。” 李周翰 注:“中天,高及天半。” 晋 孙绰 《游天台山赋》:“双闕云竦以夹路,琼臺中天而悬居。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·政事上》:“ 武宗 於 大明 筑望仙臺,其势中天。”

  3. 指上界,神仙世界。

    唐 白居易 《曲江醉后赠诸亲故》诗:“中天或有长生药,下界应无不死人。”

  4. 天运正中。喻盛世。

    《后汉书·刘陶传》:“伏惟陛下年隆德茂,中天称号。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·定情》:“端冕中天,垂衣南面,山河一统皇 唐 。” 清 王韬 《变法上》:“ 唐 虞 继统,号曰中天,则为文明之天下。”

  5. 九天之一。

    汉 扬雄 《太玄·数》:“九天:一为中天、二为羡天、三为从天。”

  6. 指 神农 之《易》。

    《周礼·春官·太卜》“太卜……掌三易之法” 晋 干宝 注:“ 神农 之《易》中成,为中天。”

  7. 天文学名词。天体经过观测者的子午圈。天体每天经过子午圈两次,离天顶较近的一次叫“上中天”,离天顶较远的一次叫“下中天”。


    • Beijing Zhongtian Group FuDe located in Zhongguancun, Haidian District, Beijing Venture Park.


    • Aspartic acid can be broken down in the KREBS CYCLE.


    • Several European universities have become high - tech hubs.


    • In the next episode of A Tale of Three Cities, Yoshitaka Amano will display his talent.


    • Currently, our business scope is including Transportation, Transportation , Ground Transportation, Warehousing & Packing, and Customs Brokerage.

      目前, 中天业务范围包括海运, 空运,内陆运输, 仓储 和 包装, 以及报关服务.

    • Aries Midheaven: Requires freedom in a career, would not be well suited to strict routine.

      白羊中天: 要求事业的自由, 不太适应严格的日常规范.

    • Taurus Midheaven: Needs some of steady career path in order to function best.

      金牛中天: 只有在稳定的职业道路上才能发挥最好.

    • Zenith Steel Group Corporation Dayou has been entrusted by this enterprise with an insurance brokerage package.


    • After hearing professor Yizhongtian talk about the Three Kingdoms, I have a better understanding of it.

      看了易中天教授纵说三国风云后, 我对三国的认识又更深一步了.

    • Yes , I know . But Professor Yi Zhongtian is going to sign books at the book store.

      今天不一样. 易中天教授要在王府井书店签名售书.

    • When their occupy when each county hostel, the moon of 15 hangs culmination high already.

      当他们住进各县招待所时, 十五的圆月已高挂中天.

    • Anyang City transIt'software development company is specialized in software development, smart card, attendance equipment suppliers.

      安阳市中天软件开发公司是专业从事软件开发 、 智能一卡通 、 考勤设备的供应商.

    • Television career in 1997 as Hong Kong, the Chinese Television News editor - in - chief transit .

      1997年转行电视,出任香港传讯电视中天新闻频道 总编辑.

    • Project's operation: FuDe Zhongtian Export Corporation, Transit and Investment Corporation, Nagas ladies fashion, PHEROMONE cowboy series.

      旗下经营项目有: 芙德中天进出口公司, 中天投资公司, 纳迦时尚女装, 菲洛蒙牛仔系列等.

    • Second , the employment of transit transport Ernst Ltd's 2008 annual audit for the agency.
