These guys sit right in the middle of that chasm, and I'm bound to run right into them in this process.
那些家伙就端坐在叶缝的中央。我这样走肯定会跟它们撞个满怀。She popped up to a sitting position and looked hastily all around .
她翻身端坐起来,急忙环顾周围。Sri Aurobindo did not wink an eye during the entire ten minutes I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.
室利阿罗频多在我观看着他的整整十分钟之内都未眨一下眼睛,他看起来并不属于那个不带个人色彩的端坐。He was sitting far from me, with his naked feet on the chair. I could see his slim figure, but I could not recognize his face.
他在离我很远的地方赤着一双足端坐着。我可以看到他微笑的面容,但我却不能认同他现在的表情。"Sitting on a nest like that only made sense if it had feathers" to gently insulate its young, says Sues.
“像这样的端坐在巢中,它身上肯定长有能为幼兽保温的羽毛,只有这样才说得通,”苏伊士说。The dragons were sitting in an elegant den at the Royal Society in London, Britain's national academy of sciences.
巨龙正端坐在英国国家科学院——伦敦英国皇家学会(RoyalSociety)优雅的兽穴中。Explanation: If you could sit back and watch clouds and the sky move all night and day, what might you see?
解说:如果你能端坐着整天整夜地观察云彩和天空的话,你会看到什么呢?The man rose to his feet to bow, the woman continued to sit, a fixed smile on her otherwise unreadable face.
先生绅士般地起身鞠躬,女士依旧端坐,凝固的笑意在她深不可测的脸庞上。I was watching him, he did not seem to belong to that impersonal setting.