汉语拼音:yī jué bù zhèn
汉刘向《说苑·谈丛》:“一蹶之故,却足不行。” 跌了一跤,便缩回脚,再不敢迈步。比喻受到挫折就再也振作不起来了。蹶:跌倒。
- 【解释】:蹶:栽跟头;振:振作。一跌倒就再也爬不起来。比喻遭受一次挫折以后就再也振作不起来。
- 【出自】:汉·刘向《说苑·说丛》:“一噎之故,绝谷不食,一蹶之故,却足不行。”
- 【示例】:可惜,到了这二十世纪的中叶,说什么也~了。
◎梁斌《红旗谱》四十二 - 【语法】:连动式;作谓语、定语、补语;含贬义
Now that America's housing market is so poorly, the fear of infection elsewhere is spreading like a bad case of the flu.
美国的房地产市场一蹶不振,让大家担忧其对世界的影响。这种担忧就像严重的流感那样,不停蔓延。Much to the disappointment of his fans, he went down in defeat, losing to a competitor from the visiting team.
令他的拥众十分失望的是,他一蹶不振,败给了参观队里的一名选手。The long, (costly strike) proved to be the last nail in the coffin for (the company), with( its history of financial problems).
长时期的罢工损失巨大,再加上一直以来的财政问题,使得该公祠一蹶不振。They told him that manufacturing would not recover from the recession unless "urgent assistance" was given to the UK's car industry.
他们告诉他如果政府不对汽车行业进行“紧急救援”的话,制造业将在这次经济衰退中一蹶不振。If the current moribund economy turns into a lost decade, as some economists fear it might, it will be crucial to be prepared for it.
如果当前一蹶不振的经济果真如一些经济学家所担忧的那样,坠入“失去的10年”,大学生们务必要做好充分的准备。Eleven years ago that tenacious little baby with her terrible troubles and fierce needs had saved her mother from dying of love.
十一年前,那个疾病缠身和需求强烈的顽强幼婴使得她母亲从因爱的破灭而一蹶不振中解脱出来。I said, I was down and out with the blues.
我說啊我也曾一蹶不振The company has long ceased to be seen as a top innovator and its stock has languished.
另外雅虎早已失去了一流创新公司的地位,它的股市表现也一蹶不振。Investor said the project fell prey to a downturn in the Colorado economy when the oil and gas industry faltered.